Pénélope, wife of Ulysses, the model of the submissive wife who stays loyal to an absent man? Among the most important choreographers of contemporary French dance, Jean-Claude Gallota revisits Homer’s myth as well as the long-standing codes of classical ballet. Turning his back on the immaculate purity that characterized the production of Ulysses that made him famous, Gallotta’s Pénelope offers a darker, more vital counterpoint. Electrified by sensual impulses that are magnified through moments of acceleration, repose, lifts, and stillness, the ten artists deliver a joyous and uninhibited performance.
Upcoming performances open to the public
- Duration 75 min.
- Language Without words
- Place Theater
Full price
Cat. 1 : 20 €
Cat. 2 : 16 €
Young persons
Cat. 1 : 9 €
Cat. 2 : 8 €
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